What is the ideal blog post length

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Blog writing is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy. Blog writing isn’t essay writing. There isn’t a set length of words you need to reach to get a pass mark from the teacher. But how many words is enough, and how many is too many? 

The ideal length for a blog post is exactly as long it needs to be

What everyone seeks, including the search engines, is engaging, authentic and useful information. That’s how you attract readers, and that’s how you get articles shared.

When you try to reach a certain word count but don’t have enough content to warrant a long article, you’ll end up with pointless filler. When your goal is to provide value for the user, the word count will naturally follow.

Yes, search engines do seem to rank longer content

It’s true that the best-ranking blogs are in excess of 2000 words, but that doesn’t mean you should attempt to write War & Peace on a simple subject. 

If the length of your article is scaring people away, your average time on the page might drop, your bounce rate might rise, share-ability declines and rankings may drop away. Likewise, if you have a super short and poorly researched article that doesn’t offer enough information, your reader will go elsewhere to find it. 

Web audiences are looking for the most useful and relevant information in a minimum amount of time. Complex subjects shouldn’t be skimmed, just as simple topics shouldn’t be subject to twaddle.

What is the bare minimum blog post length?

According to Yoast SEO, your articles should be a minimum of 300 words. Any less than that and it will look like a couple of paragraphs – not an article. The theory is that the longer your articles are, the more likely you are to repeat your topic keywords to give Google a stronger sense of what your article is about.

Analysing Different Length Categories

Short Posts (300-500 words)

Short posts are excellent for concise, to-the-point content. They’re ideal for readers who prefer quick, easily digestible information or for straightforward topics that don’t require extensive detail. They work well for updates, brief announcements, or simple advice.

However, their brevity might not be suitable for complex subjects that need thorough exploration. They also offer limited scope for incorporating SEO strategies such as keyword integration and backlinks, potentially affecting their visibility in search results.

Medium-Length Posts (500-1000 words)

This range is versatile, striking a balance between detail and readability. It’s perfect for regular blog posts, how-to guides, product reviews, and articles that explore a topic sufficiently without overwhelming the reader. This length allows for a good mix of information, opinion, and SEO opportunities without being too long.

Long Posts (1000-2000 words or more)

Long posts are suited for in-depth analyses, comprehensive guides, or thought leadership pieces. They offer a platform for detailed exploration of complex topics, providing value through thorough research and multiple perspectives. This format is beneficial for SEO, enhancing the opportunity for keyword richness and comprehensive coverage, thereby establishing authority in a particular subject area.

How to get the right balance

A big block of unbroken text isn’t going to excite anybody. Sustained rankings are built around how users engage, so make your blog more digestible with visual optimisation. This can include breaking up content into sections with headings, adding bullet points, using diagrams and interspersing with images, quotes and graphic elements.

Just answer the question

When crafting blog content, it’s essential to keep in mind that readers often come seeking specific answers or insights. The key to successful engagement, regardless of your post’s length, is to provide a clear and comprehensive answer to the question they have in mind. Whether you choose a concise or detailed approach, the focus should be on addressing the reader’s query thoroughly and effectively, perhaps even offering unique perspectives or additional information that they might not find elsewhere. By ensuring your content is the most informative and helpful it can be on the topic, you attract and retain reader interest, fostering better engagement and establishing your blog as a go-to resource.


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